This antique book titled “THE CHRISTIAN YEAR Containing Sunday Masses And Holidays” is a collector’s edition published in 1712 by Boutique de fen M. JOSSET in Paris, France. The book is bound in leather and features illustrations. It is a limited edition ex-library book that is perfect for those interested in religious and inspirational topics. The book is in its original form and was printed in French language. It is a great addition to any collection and a must-have for those interested in the history of religion and spirituality. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, CONTAINING. SUNDAY MASSES, Feasts & Festivals throughout the Year. In Latin & in French. With the Explanation of the Epistles and Gospels. Which includes the Masses, from Quasimodo Sunday until the eve of Pentecost. From the shop of Mr. At the house of. CLOUIS JOSSE, at the Crown of Thorns. AND CHARLES ROBUSTEL, at the Palm Tree. DCCXIY, With Approvals, & Privilege of the King. L’ANNÉE CHRETIENNE, CONTENANT. LES MESSES DES DIMANCHES, Féries & Fêtes de toute l’Année. En Latin & en François. Avec l’Explication des Epîtres & des Evangiles. Qui comprend les Me?? es, depuis le Dimanche de Quasimodo jusques à la veille de la Pentecôte. De la Boutique de fen M. CLOUIS JOSSE, à la Couronne d’Epines. ET CHARLES ROBUSTEL, au Palmier. DCCXIY, Avec Approbations, & Privilege du Roy.