Tag: italy

C16th Religious Embroidered Orphrey Metallic Silk Needlework Saint Italy

15th to 19th Century. Antique Italian Ecclesiastical Needlework hanging. Dating from 16th century circa 1570. Originally from Important Chasuble Orphrey Panels. Bottom panel worked in silk and Metallic threads depicting a full length Saint. Top panel worked on a Burgundy velvet ground in metallic and silk threads depicting overflowing stylized flowers and scrolling vines. Edged [Continue]

MARCANTONIO RAIMONDI (Pupil of) Antique Engraving Italy Mid 16th Century

A very rare – finest quality – mid 16th century Italian Renaissance engraving (after Raphael) by an anonymous pupil of. Weeping Marys on the Body of Christ. Collector’s Initials – MF – added at a later date in watercolor or sepia ink. There are only three other known copies of this work to have survived. [Continue]